6th July, 2021

This is to notify that application form for hostel admission for I, III & V Semester, for boys and girls will be opened during 6th—15th July, 2021. Student of Lunglei Government College who wishes to seek hostel admission may apply online via the link provided below. Students already admitted to Hostel in the last session/semester may also inform to apply same, and notification of interview schedule will be declared soon.

Sd/- Dr. JOHN BLICK                                                                  Sd/- LH ROTHANGA

Secretary                                                                                         Principal

Hostel Committee Lunglei Govt. College                      Lunglei Govt. College Lunglei, Mizoram

Copy to:

1. The General Secretary, SU, Lunglei Govt. College, with a request to make wide circulation to students

2. Website admins, with a request to upload in the College website