2.6.1 Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomesfor all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed in website of the institution(to provide the weblink)

Teachers and Students are aware of the stated programme and course outcomes of the Programme offered by the institution.


1.The college states its courses, objectives and its mission offered in the college Prospectus and in the college website.

 2. At the beginning of every semester the college organises an Orientation Programme in which every students are informed about the general introduction to the courses offered by the college.

3.Each core department takes up the task of explaining the broad concept of the subjects and career prospects of the object.

4.Orientation Programmes are conducted by each department for their respective core students.

5.Programme Outcomes(POs),Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs) and Course Outcomes(COs) are highlighted in the subject-wise Orientation Programme.

6. Teachers are also encouraged to explain the Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs) and Course Outcomes before the students while taking the class so as to motivate students in their learning.

7.Each department organises parents-teachers meeting programme through offline and online method(for parents outside of town) at least once during every courses. Programme outcomes(POs) and Course outcomes(OCs) are stated in these programmes.