Best Practice No. 1. Connecting All to Respect and Recreate Environment Objective: 

1. Preservation of existing flora in the College campus and surrounding area. 

2. Creation of new green zones wherever possible, by planting tree saplings primarily in the College campus and surrounding area. 

3. Reduction in the amount of pollution in and around the College Campus. 

4. Minimization of use of plastic products by using 3Rs as Refuse, Reuse and Recycle. 

5. To promote environmental awareness among all the stakeholders of the College and the society at large. 

Context: 1. In today’s advancement in Science and Technology, where population and pollution have gone beyond control there is an utmost need to understand our home planet, preserve it and rejuvenate it for the survival of the future generations of the human race. 2. We are all aware of various hazardous effects and problems faced by our environment due to the thoughtless actions of human beings. 3. We all talk and discuss about it but do not put in enough efforts to understand it, make others aware of it and and most importantly do not do anything to actively participate to preserve and enhance it. 4. It is therefore imperative that we be committed not only to talk and discuss about environment in our homes or in the classrooms but also have feasible policy decisions, workable strategic planning and effective execution of the same. 5. At TCSC, we are committed to create work force of students in the form of “Green Militia” to contribute in this mission. 

Practice: 1. The Departments, Committees and Associations are selected by the Principal and IQAC to perform this task in the beginning of the academic year. 2. The instructions with a perspective planning are given to the concerned Heads, Coordinators, Convenors and In-Charges. 3. The designated authorities make the plans of execution with various kinds of activities such as guest lectures by renowned environmentalists, awareness programmes, collection and distribution of tree saplings to the students, tree plantation drives, anti – plastic activities, events to promote eco-friendly articles etc. 4. These authorities allocate the work to the teachers and students by making necessary groups as per the requirements and instructing and / or training them accordingly. 5. Teachers along with decided students execute the activities as per the plan and timetable and results are recorded. 

Evidence of Success: 1. Tree plantation drives organized at various places in and around Lunglei have given the reports of survival of 90 plants in good condition, which is an incredibly good rate of success. 2. Development of new green zones on the bare land by the process of systematic afforestation in association with NGOs. 3. Lowering of temperature in the planted area by around 5 to 6º C as compared to the surrounding area. 4. Increase in the level of ground water to support the other wild plantation in and around worked area. 5. Availability of water and increase in its level in bore wells and open wells with decrease in soil erosion. 

Problems Encountered and Resources required: 1. Survey of various areas in and around Mumbai for tree plantation drives. 2. Availability of saplings of indigenous plants for plantation drives. 3. Non-cooperation and hindrance of local people in the activities. 4. Motivation of the students for on field activities. 5. Casual approach of the people towards environmental activities. 

Best Practice No. 2 

Title of The Practice: LGC Digi-Campus:Lunglei Government College is under a Digitalized Governance framework that provides the foundational transparency and visibility to effectively manage the delivery of academic as well as administrative services to the stakeholders, primarily to the students. 

Objectives of the Practice 1. To support and simplify governance of institution. 2. To make administration of institution more transparent and enable effective interaction among the stakeholder, process, and institution. 3. To make the office/administration accountable by creating a sense of responsibility into the DNA of the team, ensuring efficient governance. 4. To guarantee timely and effective administration of services and information. 5. To reduce costs. 6. To reduce difficulties for stakeholders, provide immediate information and enable e-processing. 7. To improve overall employee performance, empower team members with a sense of ownership. 

The Context: Digital India, an ambitious initiative that was launched by honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on July 1, 2015, took the shape of a revolution over the years. This project has an impact on our college’s digitalized systems, and the college performs its best on achieving digitalization in governance of administration as well as academics. As the number of programs and applications against sanctioned seats were increasing considerably over the years, manual processing of admission had to be replaced with a system-based processing. In a manual-processing environment, when multiple copies of the same data had to be maintained at different locations, data redundancy and data inconsistency was addressed and eliminated by introducing digitalized governance framework. When benchmarking and quality enhancement was being institutionalized, the documentation and data processing had to be a regular and consistent exercise which demanded a digitalized documentation paradigm. 

The Practice: With a 50 MBPS bandwidth distributed networking infrastructure installed in the offices, the Digital Governance Framework of Lunglei Govt. College has accelerated and enhanced the performance and governance of the institution. Evidence of Success: 1. Faster, transparent and user-friendly Admission 

Process: Rank list of selected candidates prepared within 2 Days after the last date for Application. 2. The conduct of examinations and all processes of evaluations including results-declaration gained momentum with Digitalization of Evaluations Average Number of Days for Declaration of Results is only 20 days. 3. More transparency and efficiency experienced in financial transactions, evaluation system and monitoring mechanism resulting in less-paper office. 

Problems Encountered and Resources Required: 1. The transition to new processes or technologies in addressing the human resistance and helping people to adapt to change through training and communications. 2. The important challenges are development and upgradation of new computer servers and annexed infrastructure for the implementation of the digitalized governance framework. Adequate and competent technical staff had to be in place. 3. Unavailability of fast and reliable internet connection for the students is one of the challenges faced in digitalizing the campus.