* Annual gender sensitization action plan.

          Gender awareness is one of the primary concerns at the College. A subcommittee namely “Women’s Grievances Redressal & Empowerment Cell” was established by the College. Their main responsible is to address and solve all gender-related issues in the campus.

       Annual gender sensitization plan is as follows:

  • To organized Gender sensitization seminar/awareness campaign/workshop as much as possible.
  • Timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment.
  • To put up gender sensitization posters in the campus.
  •  To set up a separate counseling cell under Women’s Grievances Redressal & Empowerment Cell.
  • To observe International and National important Day relating to women empowerment.


* Specific facilities provided for women in terms of: a. Safety and security b. Counseling c. Common Rooms d. Day care center for young children e. Any other relevant information.

The College provides the following facilities to reduce Gender-disparities:-

Safety and security:

  • The college installed CCTV cameras in the campus.
  • ID cards are issued to the students so as to prevent the entry of outsiders into the college campus.


  • The College has Women’s Grievances Redressal & Empowerment Cell to provide counseling services to female students. 

Common room:

  • The college provides a separate recreation room for female students.

Day care Centre for young Children:

  • Nil

Any other relevant information:The college authority informed various subcommittees – (Equal Opportunity Cell, Career and Counseling Cell, Anti-Ragging Committee, Student Grievances Redressal Committee, Students’ Welfare committee etc)  a gender factor to be kept in mind, while taking a decision.