The College Library has a rich stock of Books, Journals, Magazine and News Papers. A wide range of Encyclopedia and advanced Books of knowledge provide a ready reference to Library users. The Library provides Xerox facilities at concessional rate.  The Library has a total of 14,471 books.

The books are divided into four categories, Arts, Science, General, and References which are listed in the details below.

1. Science

  1. Botany .        – 700
  2. Chemistry .   – 654
  3. Geology .      – 378
  4. Mathematics – 1299
  5. Physics         – 979
  6. Zoology        – 432

     Total .  - 4442

2. Arts

  1. Economics           – 1254
  2. Education             – 904
  3. English                 – 1496
  4. Geography           – 600
  5. History                 – 911
  6. Mizo                    -  1665
  7. Philosophy          – 385
  8. Political Science  – 990

Total              – 8205

3. General – 75

4. Reference – 1749

 E-Resources: The college subscribes National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST) . See subscription details at : Here. See payment receipt : Here