Lunglei Govt. College, a premiere institution of higher learning of repute in Mizoram, was established in 1963 as Lunglei College by a group of social workers and public figures to cater to the need of the public in facilitating higher education in the state. Lunglei College became the first College to be established in the southern part of Mizoram and the second in the whole state. It was provincialised by the Govt.of Mizoram in the year 1976 and hence became Lunglei Govt. College.


The College is situated in the picturesque town of Lunglei in Mizoram. Following its inception, the College was first affiliated to the then Gauhati University, which was then passed on to the North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) in 1973.Permanent Affiliation of the College to NEHU since 1987 was passed on to Mizoram University in 2001, the year of the establishment of the University. The goals and objectives of the College are to impart quality education and to facilitate all-round development of students on national perspectives.In line with its motto,‘Summa Supremo’- ‘the utmost for the highest’,the institution continuously strives for promotion of quality and excellence in higher education. The College emphasizes on providing equal opportunities to the students regardless of caste, creed or gender.


Mission & Vision


  • To uphold the values enshrined in the constitution of India: Social justice, equality of opportunity, democratic freedom, tolerance and respect to all irrespective of caste, creed or gender.
  • To ensure quality education and produce employable, responsible and resourceful citizens.
  • To instill and promote the basic necessary concepts of moral, ethical and social values among the students.
  • To promote research environment for improvement in quality of teaching.
  • To keep pace with advancement in technology and equip students with the best skills to face challenges of the fast changing times and situations.
  • To upgrade the existing infrastructure and further elevate the standard of teaching and learning.


The College has a campus area of about 9 hectares with Cement Compound Wall and barbed wire boundary fencing. Students and faculty of the college have been immensely benefitted with the funding received under RUSA sponsored scheme.


Infrastructure and facilities. 


            The College Complex comprises the Administrative Building,Arts Block, Science Block,Multipurpose Hall, Seminar Hall, Library Building, Auditorium, Girls Hostel,Basketball cum Volleyball court,Canteen,a few staff quarters etc. The College has an independent Science Block for all the experimental subjects i.e. Chemistry,Botany,Zoology,Physics,Geography & Geology. A new Auditorium is being constructed with modern facilities with a grant of Rs. 4.8 crores.




            College Library has a rich stock of Books, Journals, Magazine and News Papers. A wide range of Encyclopedia and advanced Books of knowledge provide a ready reference to Library users. The Library provides Xerox facilities at concessional rate. 




            All the Six Science Departments have functional laboratories. The laboratories are equipped with sophisticated instruments to enable the students to carry out practical at the honours level.



            A 23 seater Girls’ Hostel caters to the residential needs of out-station Girls students. Hostel seats are allotted on priority basis to students from interior villages.A 20 seater Girls and 20 seater Boys Hostel are under construction.


Undergraduate Courses Offered:


            The following courses are offered by the College.



  Arts Stream

Intake Capacity











            Political Science









TOTAL - 400


            Science Stream               Intake Capacity

            Physics                                    20

            Chemistry                                20

            Mathematics                            20

            Botany                                     20

            Zoology                                   20

            Geology                                   20

                                                TOTAL =120


Strategic plans ensure that set targets are achieved through accountability assuring processes comprising of review, evolution, reporting and re-planning. This is done by preparing long and short term plans. The college adopts a system that ensures that quality is given importance in academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

         At the beginning of each semester, a general body meeting is called by the principal to discuss the plans and perspectives of the college; the past experience is also taken into considerations. The plan for the entire session is meticulously chalked out, starting from admission to end semester examinations.

        The Admission Committee advertises at different platforms and then screens the applicants. A list of selected candidates is published and the admission process starts. They keep a help desk also for the candidates. 


Examination Moderation Board takes care of CIAs, form-filling and conduct of internal as well as end semester examinations. The IQAC committee reviews the accomplishment of the target set and advises the concerned departments if they lack in achieving the target set. During covid-19, many of our staffs were deployed as nodal officers to help the local administration and the society. The college infrastructure also served as quarantine centre.

In adherence to our motto Summa Supremo ‘the utmost for the highest’, we pledge and strive to ensure quality education for our students with a goal to produce employable, responsible and resourceful citizens while attaining degrees. In pursuing this goal, the college has, in recent years started embarking on skill-oriented development programmes which are mean to equip our students with the skills necessary to face challenges of the fast changing times and to enhance their employability. 


Our institution has been conducting Certificate Course in Computer Application along with the regular courses. And now, thanks to RUSA funding, Spoken language classes are also conducted in our fully functional language laboratory. Our campus is free Wi-Fi and we provide internet facilities in our library on all working days. Curriculum enrichment classes and workshops are frequently organized. Career guidance seminars and Personality Development classes sponsored under RUSA Equity Initiatives Fund are also conducted with an aim to guide our students in making the right career choices and to equip them with the necessary knowledge for their career.


          In coordination with the IQAC, the Academic Counsel analyzed Final/VI semester results of both B.A and B.Sc 2019-2020.  The analysis is displayed in the institutional website


Ever since its inception, our institution has always maintained a tradition of rendering service to the local community and its neighborhood. Now, our students and teachers both actively participated in our ‘Adopted Village Programme’ which serves as means of rendering service to the community of the adopted nearby village ‘Pukpui’. This programme also serves as curriculum enrichment for our students. We have also introduced a “Know Your Student” project with an aim to provide them assistance in their respective needs on a case-to-case basis. We do our best to forge good relationships with our alumni as well as parents/ guardians of our students to further our students’ welfare.


Extra Curricular activities:


              Beside academic activity, the college offers various curricular activities.All students are members of the Student Union, a body which governs itself by electing their own office bearers. The Student Union works hand in hand with the College authority with the Principal as its President. The union helps in organization of different functions and activities as well as helping out in the welfare of the students.


The NSS Unit of the College has long been actively engaged in community services to the localities surrounding the campus and even spread its good work as far as the neighboring towns and villages outside Lunglei. The NSS instills in the student volunteers a sense of social responsibility among many other benefits through social works like blood donation, planting of tress, cleanliness drive, sanitation and various other awareness programmes. The NSS works under the guidance and supervision of Programme Officers appointed by the college authority.


The Adventure Club may be joined by any student or member of the faculty with a spirit of adventure and outdoor sports. The adventure sports taken up by the club include such activities as rock climbing, hiking, boating etc. The Adventure Club aims at channeling youthful energy and vigour in an exciting and healthy way.


The Eco-club has been established with a view to promote a sense of responsibility towards enrichment and protection of environment among the students. The eco-club consisting of student members and faculties in-charge actively undertakes steps towards a ‘Green College Movement’ and maintains the college Botanical Garden. Various other environment related activities such as plantation and observations of important environment days are also regularly organized by the Eco-club.


The Red Ribbon Club with its trained peer educators organize awareness programmes on HIV/AIDS which is fast becoming a dangerous menace to societies all over the world. The Red Ribbon Club contributes their service in battling the spread of HIV/AIDS.


The Literature Club is formed in the College to develop students’ interest, knowledge and skill in literature. The club organizes various activities, challenging and promoting students with talents and interest in literature and language. The Literature Club plays a vital role in developing confidence and refinement in the students.


With a view to preserving the Mizo culture and cultivating the very importance of respecting and upholding ones ‘own cultural heritage the cultural club has been established in the College. The Club has long been actively involved in various cultural activities. Students perform folk dances and songs in various functions in and outside the College.


Due toCovid-19 Pandemic, the college successfully conductedonline classes. Prior to online classes, the college conducted workshop on “online classes” to facilitate teachers to utilize online class applications or tools (google meet, zoom, webex, Whatsapp, telegram etc).


Future Plan for the Next ten Years:


  • To establish scientific sophisticated instrumentation centre.
  • New campus out of crowded urban areas.
  • Installation of ramps in every campus building.
  • More extensive outreach programmes.
  • Better Cafeteria for both faculties and students.
  • Better sport facilities.
  • Better examination result.
  • To create the environment friendly campus.
  • Better ICT infrastructure.
  • Increase participation of Alumni Association.
  • Medical facility.
  • Increase the strength of faculty members and staffs.
  • Conduct more seminar/workshop/awareness programme/training session/staff awareness training programme for faculties, non-teaching staffs and students.
  • Gender Sensitization programmes.