2.6.1. Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed in website of the institution(to provide the weblink) |
Q1M. Describe Course Outcomes (CO2) for all courses and mechanism of communication within a minimum of 200 characters and maximum of 200 words. Teachers and students are aware of the stated Programme and course outcomes of the Programmes offered by the institution. The college adopts outcome-based education and has clearly stated learning outcomes of the Programmes and courses in the college website as well as in the college Prospectus. The following mechanisms are followed by the college to communicate the learning outcomes to the teachers and students. Orientation Programmes are held at the beginning of every semester in each class in which students are informed about the general introduction to the courses offered by the college. Learning outcomes of the Programmes and courses are observed and measured periodically which are summed up as follows: 1.Hard copy of syllabi are available in the departments and in the college library as well foe reference to the teachers and students. 2.The importance of the learning outcomes has been delivered to the teachers in every IQAC meeting and college committee meeting. 3.The students are also made aware of the same through meetings. 4.Workshops and seminars have been conducted for developing the Programme objectives and course outcomes at college level. 5.After the attainment of consensus, they are publicized through various means which are specified as under: i)Prospectus ii)College website iii)Classrooms iv)Meetings v)Laboratories vi)Interactions with employers or workshop vii)Faculty meeting viii)Alumni meeting ix)Library meeting In addition to this, the Course outcomes of all subjects, Lesson Plan of a course contains regarding Course outcomes and each class is marked according to the Course outcomes. Course outcome of Laboratory courses are published in their respective laboratory. Attainment of Programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution. Q1M. Describe the method of measuring the level of attainment of POs, PSOs and Cos in not more than 200 words. The level of attainment of Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomesare measured using various indicators throughout the semester of the academic year. The faculty records the performance of each student with the help of the specified course outcomes through a continuous evaluation process. The faculty provides home assignments to students, conducts internal tests, viva voce, surprise tests, open book tests, quiz, projects etc. in order to assess the Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes attained by each student. Some of the key indicators of measuring attainment are: 1.End Semester University Examination: Being a constituent college of Mizoram University, the students are required to take examinations as per the semester and annual pattern set by the university, through which the institution measures Program outcomes based on the course attainment level fixed by the Programme. 2. Internal Assessment:The Internal Assessment constitutes 25% weightage of the total marks (100) in each subject. The students are given assignments which are designed in alignment with Program Outcomes of the respective subject. Additionally, internal/class tests, quiz, viva etc. are conducted repeatedly in a semester to judge the performance of students on a regular basis. 3. Practical Assessment/ External Assessment:It is evaluated by inviting external experts appointed by the university to evaluate each student by conducting Practical examinations, and taking Viva-Voce and evaluating the practical files. 4. Result Analysis:At the end of each semester, result analysis of each course is carried out indicating the percentage of students falling in different categories of CGPA obtained. This is an effective indicator in order to evaluate the level of attainment of Program Outcome, Program Specific Outcome and Course Outcome as specified by the university. |
Page Links: https://lgc.ac.in/page/criterion-ii-261-teaching-learningp