Geomorphic study of Vanhne and  its surrounding areas

(22th – 25th April, 2024)

In the study of geography, field studies and observations are essential for finding the geographical facts and how the phenomena in a region or area interacted and related to each other especially in relation to human activities and settlements. For a geography students understanding and comprehension of complex cultural and geographical phenomena; its backgrounds and analysis are imperative, it is also essential to understand how they active and influence human activities of a particular area personally. Therefore one can make out his/her own observations of both natural and cultural landscape of the field

Geography being a field science, it is essential to understand the subject; observe the geographical facts in the field. Generally the students are imparted the trainings on how to analyze and study the different phenomena of the area in the classroom, but they are not enough for understanding the reality of the area. So, field study is very significant. The increment of the knowledge can be obtained through the detailed study of the selected area by schedule method at the very area becomes an important aspect of the field study.

The relief features of the earth have a great influence on the adjustment of human beings. It is a part of the physical environment. The physical setting or physical environment may be understand as the integrated study of geology, relief features, drainage, climatic conditions , soil and vegetation. This study influences the study and interpretation of the relation of man’s activities and its environment. The study of landform facilitates the formation of the earth’s surface in different aspects. Therefore, every geographer is aware upon the study of landform, especially in geometric configuration and its features. The study of landform have practical works in various fields as civil engineering, ground water resource development, exploration, settlement pattern, planning and score of different aspect of human well being.

Although man is endowed with an enormous power to change or alter the physical landscape, the physical environment itself imposes certain restrictions on man’s way of life. Therefore, the understanding of interrelation between physical factors and man’s habitation becomes significant. It is indeed necessary to carefully examine the nature of physical framework in reference to location, geology, topography, climate soil and vegetation cover and the related phenomena in spatial context.

In this report, there is an attempt to obtain the detailed information of the selected area by analyzing and interpreted the physical characteristics of Vanhne area, and how they influence human activities in the area. This is a part of the study required for the fulfillment of Bachelor of Arts, Geography course paper XI

Objectives Of The Study

The main objective of the study are

  1. To learn and obtain a detail Geomorphic conditions of Vanhne area, Its relief features and its physical settings, vegetation, drainage, climatic conditions, geology, etc. 

  1. To identify the availability of land for agriculture and land-use patterns which are imperative for the study of  Physico-Climatic determinants  in the area

3.  To study altitude- area relationship to help farmers to identify which crops are ideal for farm plantations.

In addition the main aims and objective of field study are;

  1. It helps to study the relationship between physical and cultural aspects of the environment

  2. It helps to get the first hand information about an area.

  3. It develops the quality of team spirit and leadership among the students.

  4. With the help of field works, students can collect data and prepare the maps.

  5. It provides practical knowledge of an area to the observers.

  6. The field works prepare students for their further study

  7. Field work experience gives confidence to the pupils 

  8. It is a precious time for both students and teachers to establish mutual relationship and cordial interactions to take any hardship in the subject.

  9. The outsight object of an area gives students’ practical knowledge and imposes responsibilities to them.

  10. It makes the subject more interesting to the students; this is the fact that the present field study revealed.

The present report attempts to find out and analyze the area of Vanhne area. The study of interaction of human in relation to his environment is a significant study of this report. This report tries to find out how the relief features of the earth influence the relations and interpretation of man and its environment.

Field work report

After analyze and thorough study different natural aspect using toposheet and comprehensive map in the class room, Field work has been done at different spots within the study area during  22th – 25th April 2024

LocationVanhne Village and its surrounding areas

Outcomes of the Study

  1. Through a thorough study of different physical aspects of the area, The relief feature map (slope map) is prepared and this map identified the land availability for agriculture and construction sites for roads , settlements, and other amenities. 

  2. The analysis of drainage system, its density and frequency clearly depict the availability of water for irrigation and drinking purposes which will be very imperative for future developments.

  3. The Geological Formation has been studied and its geomorphic chart is prepared which is expected to have a significant contribution for identifying disaster prone areas.